A large cargo ship we saw on the way out to Santa Barbara Island that had "Italia" written on the side of it
Joe, Josh, Jen, Kate, "little" Josh in the "adult" campsite (a.k.a. the best campsite right near the cliff)
After the rain subsided on Saturday morning
Hiking around the island
Jen and Steve on the breezy side of the island
Standing on the cliff
Sitting on a bench and feeling the breeze
Near our campsite looking out at the ocean and sea cave, with trees indigenous to Santa Barbara Island in the foreground
Our campground
A ravine running through the island filled with cactus and trees
Lots of cacti
Our campsite
Looking down at the dock from above
Snorkelers and seals
Adult seals taking it easy on the hillside while the young seals played with us
Coming out to play
Gathering on the dock
A group of students playing on the rock near the dock and getting pummeled by waves
Joe and Jen on the boat trip home
Josh and the ladies
Steve isn't too thrilled with how chilly it is on the boat